Transformation Strategy Development, Work Planning and Implementation


Using the National Main Street model, MDS can assist your downtown and organization in identifying and developing two to three strategies of long term change to help reach your community vision. Transformation strategies are implemented through work in four broad categories known as the Four Points (design, organization, promotion, and economic vitality).

Transformation strategies articulate a “focused, deliberate path to revitalizing or strengthening a downtown or commercial district’s economy.” They are informed by the district’s market position, and sustained and inclusive community engagement. An effective transformation strategy is defined as one that “serves a particular customer segment, responds to an underserved market demand, or creates a differentiated destination”.

Using your vision, mission, strategic plan and transformational strategies, MDS will partner with the Main Street Manager, board, and key stakeholders to create your annual work plan. The annual work plan should be robust, yet realistic, and contain a detailed list of measurable objectives/actions items. It can be conceptualized as a detailed to-do list that identifies a responsible individual/entity, a timeline, budget, and desired outcome for each action or task to be worked on and/or completed annually.

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